About Us

Margarita and Edilyn are sisters born and raised in the smallest state, Rhode Island. The family originates from the Dominican Republic, making them of Hispanic descent. Margarita became a Registered Nurse and has always had a passion for helping others. In the recent years she has found another passion, Making people feel beautiful. Her make up artistry has flourished across the whole state, making women feel beautiful everyday. Her passion for lashes naturally arose from this. She firmly believes that lashes will elevate any look, especially the right lash. Both Edilyn and Margarita handpicked these lashes to suit the everyday woman to the most glam of them all. There is a lash for everyone. Edilyn has always had a passion for hair and how it too can make women across the globe feel beautiful. As a young entrepreneur, she developed the idea to create GlamourVault as a way to share our passions with others and extend it nation wide. They Hope GlamourVault can be a place you come and find the lashes and hair you need to feel your most absolute glam.
Feel Free To Follow Them On Instagram:
Margarita (Left) @badgalmaggz
Edilyn (right) @lopezedilyn